10th Chinese peacekeeping medical contingent to Mali conducts combat wound treatment drill

Members of 10th Chinese peacekeeping medical contingent to Mali conduct combat wound treatment drill in Gao, Mali, recently.

GAO, Mali, Jan. 10 -- The 10th Chinese peacekeeping medical contingent to Mali recently conducted a combat wound treatment drill based on the needs of peacekeeping missions and situations in the mission area.

During the drill, the evacuation team quickly organized forward movement and emergency transfer, while the treatment team made preparations back in the hospital. The two teams cooperated closely to seize the golden treatment time, and strengthened the capability of whole-process treatment for the wounded.

According to Sun Qichang, a peacekeeper of the contingent, the drill was targeted at the frequent armed conflicts in the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) Sector East recently. It further straightened out the process of quick transfer and emergency rescue, optimized the treatment plan to ensure timely and efficient medical treatment on battlefield.

source http://eng.chinamil.com.cn/view/2023-01/10/content_10211066.htm


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