Defense spokesperson expresses opposition to US arms sales rumors

Taipei 101 Tower, a landmark in Taipei, Taiwan, is seen in this photo. [Photo/VCG]

China firmly opposes the United States' recent actions which have "again and again violated its commitment" of not supporting "Taiwan independence", a Defense Ministry spokesman said on Thursday.

"For some time, the US side has repeatedly interfered in China's internal affairs by playing 'Taiwan card' and even sent wrong signals by assisting Taiwan in 'rejecting unification by force'," Senior Colonel Tan Kefei of the Ministry of National Defense said, stressing those moves seriously harmed China's national sovereignty and security.

He made the remarks at a news conference in response to recent Taiwan media reports saying the US could announce multiple arms sales to the island.

Tan said egregious actions by the US side seriously threaten peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits, posed a major strategic risk to relations between the two countries and militaries, and sent a grave signal to "Taiwan independence" separatist forces.

The spokesman outlined the commitments the US made in the August 17 Communique which was jointly issued by China and the US 40 years ago.

"In the communique, the US explicitly recognized there is only one China in the world, Taiwan is part of China and the government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government of China," he said. "The US explicitly committed not to pursue a long-term policy of selling arms to Taiwan and to gradually reduce arms sales to Taiwan until the issue is finally resolved."

However, Tan said, the United States has repeatedly reneged on its commitments.

"In recent years, in particular, the US has hollowed out the one-China principle, constantly instigated arms sales to Taiwan and created obstacles to China's peaceful reunification."

The official warned US arms sales to Taiwan would only increase tensions and the risk of conflict and confrontation across the Taiwan Straits, stressing that Taiwan's security depends on the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations.

Tan urged the US to stop arms sales to Taiwan and military contacts with Taiwan, and not to make repeated mistakes on the Taiwan question, warning the People's Liberation Army is paying close attention to the situation across the Straits and would continue to take strong measures to firmly safeguard China's sovereignty and security interests.




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