MONUSCO peacekeepers from China awarded UN peace medal

Chinese peacekeepers participate in the medal-awarding ceremony at the base camp of the Chinese peacekeeping force under the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) on July 25, 2022. (Photo by Xinhua)

KINSHASA, July 29 -- All the 218 peacekeepers of the 25th Chinese peacekeeping force to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have been awarded the UN Peace Medals. The medal awarding ceremony was held at the base camp of the Chinese peacekeeping force in South Kivu Province of the DRC on July 25, local time.

At the ceremony, Lt. Col. Yan Biyu, head of the Chinese peacekeeping medical detachment, read the congratulatory letters from the Chinese Embassy in the DRC and the Chinese Embassy in the Republic of Burundi.The staff of the two Chinese embassies extended in the letters their congratulations and respect to the Chinese peacekeepers. Leaders of the Chinese peacekeeping force, including Lt.Col. Deng Liang, commanding officer of the Chinese peacekeeping force, granted the peace medals to the peacekeepers.

Since the 25th Chinese peacekeeping force to the DRC was deployed in its mission area in October 2021, the engineering contingent has organized 48 engineering surveys and completed 36 projects with high standards; the medical contingent received a total of 521 patients, performed 34 surgical operations, providing good medical support for over 4,000 staff members of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO).




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