CMC calls for long-term normalized study and education of Party history

BEIJING, May 21 -- With the approval of the Central Military Commission (CMC), the General Office of CMC issued a guideline to promote a long-term normalized study and education of the history of the Communist Party of China (CPC) within the military.

The guideline points out that the Party's history should be taken as a compulsory and regular course. All service members should make efforts to have a good grasp of the historical significance and experience of the Party's glorious path over the past century, the Party's original aspiration and mission, and the important requirement of forging ahead into a brighter future by learning from the past, so as to increase wisdom, unity, confidence and morale. Efforts should be made to study Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, especially Xi's philosophy on strengthening the military. Importance should be attached to inheriting and carrying forward the glorious traditions and fine conducts of our Party and military, strengthening the determination and will to fight and win, implementing the fundamental purpose of serving the people with heart and soul, and taking concrete measures to solve problems for grass-roots service members. Great attention should be paid to promoting self-reform by enforcing full and strict governance over the Party and military and implementing the strategy of running the military in accordance with the law.

The guideline underlines that it's a long and arduous task to promote the routine and regular study and education of the Party's history. Party committees at all levels should implement the principal responsibility and leading cadres should take the initiative and play an exemplary role to carry out learning and education activities in distinctive and innovative ways. Study and education of the Party's history should be combined with military training and reform as well as fulfilling major missions, and the learning outcomes should be transformed into powerful driving force and concrete measures to do work and make achievements, so as to greet the opening of the 20th CPC National Congress with practical actions and usher in a new chapter in the cause of building a strong military.




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