China urges U.S. to give convincing account of bio-military activities

BEIJING, March 24 (Xinhua) -- The United States should give a convincing account of its biological military activities in Ukraine and around the world as soon as possible, a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said on Thursday.

Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a daily press briefing that the international community has major concerns about the purpose of the U.S. research in the biological laboratories in Ukraine and about whether the country conducted dangerous research prohibited in the United States in its overseas facilities.

He noted that the U.S. side cannot remain silent or simply prevaricate by alleging that relevant reports are "disinformation."

The best way for the U.S. side to prove its innocence is to open its doors and allow examination by the international community, Wang said, urging the United States to be forthright about its biological military activities in Ukraine and the rest of the world, and stop blocking the building of the Biological Weapons Convention verification protocol.



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