2nd Chinese peacekeeping helicopter unit to Abyei completes first air patrol

The peacekeeping helicopter takes off with UNISFA military observers onboard (Photo by Wang Yunsheng)
KHARTOUM, Jan 24. -- The 2nd Chinese peacekeeping helicopter unit to Abyei recently completed its first air patrol mission since deployment. The mission lasted for two hours and they carried out detailed reconnaissance over the designated locations surrounding the mission area with a number of the UN Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) military observers onboard.
According to Sandeep, a UNISFA official, the mission covered areas that ground patrol forces cannot reach, located the local tribes and the detailed locations of unauthorized armed forces around the mission area, and established the situation awareness over the surrounding area. The local population now holds stronger confidence in the UNISFA peacekeeping operations.
"This air patrol has further tempered the Chinese peacekeeping troops’ ability. We will continue to support the UNISFA in its peace promotion operations," said the pilot Xie Xiangqian.

source http://eng.chinamil.com.cn/view/2022-01/24/content_10126029.htm


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