Chinese peacekeeping unit to Lebanon passes UN equipment inspection

The UNIFIL inspection team asks the members of the Chinese peacekeeping multi-role engineering unit to Lebanon about the equipment. (Photo by Kong Kangyi)

BEIRUT, Nov. 30 -- The 20th Chinese peacekeeping multi-role engineering unit to Lebanon has recently passed the last UN equipment inspection of the year and achieved overall excellent results.

The content of this inspection involved main battle equipment, self-sustaining living equipment and comprehensive support equipment. The headquarters of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) sent an inspection team to carry out the detailed inspection on weapons and ammunition, vehicles and equipment, barracks’ auxiliary facilities, and office supplies of the Chinese contingent, and evaluated in detail the relevant maintenance plan.

The UN equipment inspection aims to verify whether the main equipment and auxiliary facilities provided by the troop-contributing country meet the requirements of the UN peacekeeping missions. During the process, the Chinese peacekeepers accurately introduced the technical and tactical performance of the materials, weapons and equipment they were equipped with, and performed demonstrations onsite, which left a deep impression on the UN inspection team.



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