UN Security Council adopts China-drafted presidential statement

BEIJING, May 28 -- On May 24, local time, the UN Security Council held an open debate themed “United Nations peacekeeping operations: improving safety and security of peacekeepers” proposed by China.

Presided over by Ambassador Zhang Jun, permanent representative of China to the United Nations, the debate adopted a presidential statement drafted by China on the theme of improving the safety and security of UN peacekeepers.

As Jean-Pierre Lacroix, UN Under-Secretary-General for peacekeeping operations, has pointed out in a briefing to the UN Security Council, many peacekeepers have sacrificed in performing missions since the beginning of this year. The UN has been committed to revising the work instructions for peacekeepers to improve protection effectiveness.

Mr. Lacroix also thanked China for its efforts in peacekeeping missions and for protecting the safety and security of UN peacekeepers.


source http://eng.chinamil.com.cn/view/2021-05/31/content_10042127.htm


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