Chinese peacekeepers to Lebanon carry out cultural exchanges with local schools

Chinese peacekeepers to Lebanon take a group photo with teachers and students in a Lebanese school. (Photo by Liu Pan)

BEIRUT, May 31 -- Peacekeepers of the 19th Chinese peacekeeping force to Lebanon carried out cultural exchange activities and donated supplies to two schools in southern Lebanon recently.

“After communication and coordination and taking into account factors such as pandemic prevention and control, we chose to dispatch the multi-functional engineering contingent and the construction engineer contingent to the two schools respectively on the occasion of the International Children’s Day,” said Yang Zhongyun, deputy captain of the multi-functional engineering contingent.

The Chinese peacekeepers donated masks, medicines, books, stationery and sports supplies to the two schools. The Chinese military doctors also set up free clinics on the schools’ playgrounds to demonstrate the tips for COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control.

It is reported that since the first peacekeeping force was sent to Lebanon in 2006, the Chinese peacekeepers have established and maintained friendly relations with local communities, schools, and hospitals through a number of activities.

The commanding officer of the Chinese peacekeeping troops said,“Carrying out such activities continuously on the basis of pandemic prevention and control will help spread Chinese culture, show a good image of Chinese military, and enhance the friendship between China and Lebanon.”



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