China releases counter-espionage regulations

BEIJING, April 26 (Xinhua) -- China's Ministry of State Security on Monday issued regulations on counter-espionage security work, which take effect upon promulgation.

Overseas espionage and intelligence agencies and hostile forces have intensified infiltration into China, and broadened their tactics of stealing secrets in various ways and in more fields, which poses a serious threat to China's national security and interests, according to a senior official with the ministry.

The regulations are formulated to ensure specific duties of various authorities and entities in preventing espionage activities are performed and to enhance the capacity of society, especially core areas, in ensuring state security, the official said.

State security organs should work with relevant departments to formulate and regularly adjust the list of key units with crucial responsibilities to guard against espionage acts, according to the regulations.

The document noted that Party and state organs, social groups, enterprises and public institutions should assume primary responsibility for preventing espionage activities within the units.

Departments in charge of specific industries should supervise and manage counter-espionage works within corresponding industries, and state security organs should guide and oversee counter-espionage activities, according to the regulations.

State security organs may guide anti-espionage work in various ways including offering publicity materials, issuing guidelines and providing training, the document said, adding that the state security organs shall urge the units with problems in implementing anti-espionage responsibilities to rectify them.

When offering anti-espionage guidance and inspecting anti-espionage work, state security organs should strictly abide by the statutory authority and procedures, respect and protect human rights and protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens and organizations, according to the regulations.

The document urged state security organs to keep state secrets, work secrets and business secrets, as well as personal privacy and personal information acquired when carrying out guidance and inspections confidential.

Highlighting the need to safeguard cyber and data security, the regulations also specify the responsibilities of anti-espionage works for operators of key information infrastructure.



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