Chinese envoy to UN proposes to realize non-proliferation through multilateralism

UNITED NATIONS, Mar. 31 -- Ambassador Geng Shuang, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the UN, made remarks on March 30 at a video conference of the UN Security Council reviewing the work of the 1540 Committee, calling for realizing the non-proliferation targets through upholding multilateralism.

Geng Shuang noted that the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and their carriers concerns international peace and security and poses a common challenge to the international community. Resolution 1540 passed in 2004 is the first resolution on non-proliferation adopted by the Security Council and makes an important component of the international non-proliferation regime.

Given the current global security situation, especially new dynamics in the non-proliferation field, Geng Shuang proposed four points on the non-proliferation efforts of international community.

First, efforts should be made to meet non-proliferation targets through multilateralism. Non-proliferation is a global challenge that should be resolved through multilateral cooperation under the UN’s leadership and guidance. All parties should uphold the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, accommodate the reasonable concerns of all countries, eliminate factors of proliferation and seek common security. The international community must intensify the UN-centered collective security mechanism, preserve the Security Council's authority, and persist in addressing non-proliferation through political and diplomatic means and through dialogue and consultation.

Second, the international non-proliferation regime should be consolidated. The international community must further enhance the universality of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the Biological Weapons Convention, and the Chemical Weapons Convention, ensure their comprehensive, effective and balanced implementation, and intensify relevant treaties and mechanisms.

Third, close attention must be paid to the risk of proliferation brought by emerging technologies. Emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, 3D printing, genome editing, and synthetic biology, are likely to be applied to the proliferation of WMD and the carriers. All countries must tighten government supervision and carry out international cooperation to prevent non-state actors from abusing these technologies for proliferation. In the meantime, efforts to meet non-proliferation targets should not be made at the price of sacrificing technological progress.

Fourth, a comprehensive review should be made to reinforce the execution of Resolution 1540.

Geng Shuang stressed that China firmly opposes the proliferation of WMD and the carriers, always fulfills its international non-proliferation obligations vigorously and has taken concrete steps to enhance the national, regional, and international efforts for non-proliferation. China will continue to work with all parties to promote the effective implementation of Resolution 1540, advance the comprehensive review of the resolution, and make positive contributions to strengthening the global non-proliferation governance.




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